Today, as the integration of robotics, advanced prosthetics, and the desire to drive the human species further towards the future, I thought it was appropriate to demonstrate this in a multi-panel digital painting. 

In the piece below, several things are noticeable. On either side we can see a man and a woman each having been augmented with robotic elements. The female in particular demonstrates how this is a vision of the future, being pregnant and carrying the infant inside an artificial womb. 

Between the two is the face of woman, with the subtle integration of a synthetic eye subconsciously indicating that the transition is happening, and that we should keep an eye on new developments in the field, for better or worse.
Perhaps the most intriguing element of the piece for me is that of the top panel. A hand stretches forward, transforming incoming binary code to a genetic one, demonstrating the almost god-like power to create life; not unlike that offered by the Serpent of Genesis...
The concept was original. The base illustration was produced with Autodesk Sketchbook and finalized with Adobe Photoshop.

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